I just talked to you in almost real life! It was so great to see you all. I cried afterwards but not for too long I promise. It was so cool to see you on Christmas as well! What a special day it was. I appreciate you all sending your testimonies to me in the mail. They all melted my heart and loved them all. I am so grateful for the opportunity to be able to rely on my family to have strong testimonies.
This week was fun! I told you about it already but after skyping...let's see. Yesterday was a lot of fun! D*** was at church as well as H***** who are both fairly new to the church. They are both doing really well. We had a part member family there only because we sung as a district in church. I really hope that they felt the spirit! Elder Brandon Hays Christoph-Ruden-Str. 16 12349, Berlin, Germany
Monday, December 30, 2013
Monday, December 30th 2013
Friday, December 27, 2013
the most wonderful time of the year . . .
...It's the most won...wonderful time...of the year :)
The Lost Sheep
If we look at the lost sheep we can infer that he wandered off on his own. The story doesn't explain an outside force in this specific parable. Who is the lost sheep? Is it some friend who has seen some green pasture afar off and yearns for the taste thereof? Is it the action of ourselves; wandering unnoticed into the state of dissipation? I believe that sometimes, we must stop, look around and pray, and ponder about our current state of being. Am I happy where I am? Is this the correct course to my eternal goals? Do I like the things that see around me? What do I need to change about my situation? Is one of my friends wandering? I invite you to ponder about someone who may have started to deviate from the path to salvation.
Just a clip of our conversation with Elder Hays on Christmas....
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Monday, December 16, 2013
Send Elder Hays a Christmas wish!!!
I'm sure Elder Hays would love to hear from you . . .
Letters only:
Letters only:
Elder Brandon Hays
Werner Str. 38
01159 Dresden
Packages and letters:
Elder Brandon Scott Hays
Germany Berlin Mission
Zerbster StraBe 42
12209 Berlin
Come Follow Me
We have a young woman in our ward whose parents are very active but the boyfriend is not. She has been inactive for a very long time and lives with this boyfriend. I happen to be very good friends with her boyfriend and the Sisters are very good friends with this young women. We have been working forever with them to get them to do something in the Gospel. They used to go to church all the time but the boyfriend was never baptized, mainly because the mother of the girl was really pushy. That being said...they came to church yesterday! It was so amazing. I sat next to them and they had a great time. I hope they felt the spirit.
I have had a question in my heart for a while now that has gone unanswered. Maybe because of my inexertion to really ponder and pray but yeah...In search for my answer, I turned mostly to the scriptures and prayer. My question was something personal but it has to do with investigators feeling the spirit. I feel like I shouldn't share it but if you read in Alma 31, you will find out how I was feeling and have said many similar prayers according to this one that Alma speaks. I love the scriptures so much...Even though missionaries have struggles, it is important that we come out on top. If missionaries are feeling stressed out, nervous, consumed or anything of that sort, it is becuase they aren't pondering and turning to the Lord enough. Turning to the Lord includes scriptures, District Leaders, prayer, and pondering.
On Tuesday, we had the opportunity to go and do service for a big charity organization that I had worked with. We went to a big complex, helped set up tables and food. It was made up for kids in the city of Dresden who wouldn't get a Christmas this year becuase of lack of resources. This organization gave them something that I personally won't ever forget. 450 kids showed up with their single parents, 16 year old mothers with nothing. Families who had left their country for a better life with nothing. We served cakes and muffins and hot chocolate to everyone and it was just so perfect. We then got to sit back for a while as they sang and danced to different songs. Then came Santa! It was so incredible. He came in with a personal gift for each child. To see the look on the mothers' faces and the tears and the gratitude was overwhelming. To see a nine year old rip open a package for the first time in years is something new for me. I can do more...and I think everyone can do more...
22 Now when Jesus heard these things, he said unto him, Yet lackest thou one thing: sell all that thou hast, and distribute unto the apoor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, follow me.
24 And when Jesus saw that he was very sorrowful, he said, How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God! (Luke 18:22-24)
I know that as we give ourselves this holiday season, we will grow in our testimony of the Savior, for He truly gave Himself; is there genuinely something we can do more? Ask yourself, what more do I lacketh? 'Sell all that thou hast, and distribute unto the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, and follow me.'
He states two things that I find interesting. 1. Do we strive for a treasure in heaven? Or one on earth? For I say unto you this day that the treasures laid up on this earth will melt away along with your soul. 2. 'Come and follow me', only after you have sold what you have; only after you have sacrificed the flesh of this reprehensible world; only after you have left your family and friends and have given your life to the work; only after you will stand before kings and magistries......are you ALLOWED....to 'Come and follow Me'.
20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: (Matt 6:20)
I love you all :) Facetime at 17 O'clock my time and 9:00 your time? Christmas morning? Let me know next week.
Love, Elder Hays
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Monday, December 9, 2013
Sunday was amazing
Sunday was amazing...I feel like everything is just working out like the Lord wants it too and He has finally shown me what His plan is. It's great to be in touch with Him :) Bishop Menzel gave a great message about the princlple of Christmas. In short words: feed the hungry and clothe the cold. Investigators came, in-active member reactivated (Family even) and hearts touched.
We will see eachother soon! I will use a ipad so it will be over face time okay? Can't wait :)
I love you! Elder Hays
Monday, December 2, 2013
Well hi
I hope you all had a great thanksgiving! Know that I ate?...what did I eat?...a cookie!...and a apple for thanksgiving dinner :D I'm spoilded I know.
No, but Thanksgiving was good, it was just a normal day haha Elder Young and I made some turkey that we had bought but it was just the breast and nothing special. I made a list of things that I am thankful for though! It was a good thinking process and it came pretty easily because of the amazing things that I have been blessed with.I love you all! Thank you for the pictures!
Love, Elder Hays
Monday, November 25, 2013
Happy Thanksgiving
Hello my great family!
I am grateful for the Christmas tree that you have sent me:) It is lighting up the night! Transfers were yesterday and Elder Young and I will be staying together in Dresden for another transfer! We are just killing it here in Dresden together so it will be another great one.
To answer your question, I am doing better than I ever have! I am so happy. Pure joy :D We, as a ward celebrated thanksgiving on Saturday! It was a great activity with investigators and members bringing friends! One of the girls that a member brought, came to church and accepted the first lesson.
It was a great day.
All of Dresden is staying the same this transfer so we can get right to work :)
This week we had an interesting experience. At the beginning of the week, we didn't have a lot of investigators; we had friends who came to activities but have never really showed interest. We then set the goal to have 5 baptismal dates made out for the week. We made it with a lot of fasting and prayer. We prepared our selves mentally and spiritually for it. We dove into the week full force and had appointments fall out for the first couple of days. It was dissapointing but we didn't lose the faith in our goal. Before the week started we had prayed for who we should invite and in what way. We had our prayers answered and we really just made sure that we didn't want just the number, but that these people really meant a lot to us in our lives and that was our motivation to help them. This number was just to push us to be bold. At the end of the week we had three. We made a date out with H**, W*** and Ch*****. These people throughout this week have grown in my heart. Even though we didn't reach our goal, if we hadn't set the goal, these people wouldn't be on the way to finding the joy of the gospel. We were taught a big lesson this week and can't wait for this next transfer to work.
Pertaining to your lesson that you have to teach, I would talk about Joseph and Hyrum Smith. Read their testimonies. Read the testimonies that others said about them. You can also talk about Paul and his mission as an apostle. Standing as a Witness of Christ is acting, in a way that people know what decisions you make and what kind of person you are. Elder Young is doing great! He is finished with his training and we get to go hard this transfer!

snow |
I love you all!
Elder Hays
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Faith is an ATTITUDE. It is a state of mind
I live in Dresden...that's cool right? I forget sometimes. Utah is kinda cool I guess....(pff) Anyways.
ALEX ROSS. I love him. I will see you soon my friend! I feel like I will be the same way. haha you might be in for a treat.Monday, November 11, 2013
The Gospel brings true joy
Well family...I love this work more than anything in this work...
Elder Young and I have struggled these past couple of weeks finding new investigators. We have gotten a lot of contacts that we can stop by but just not a lot of interest. We have planned for the last few weeks for a baptismal date. We didn't know who it would be but it would be someone that we had found that week.
Elder Young and I have struggled these past couple of weeks finding new investigators. We have gotten a lot of contacts that we can stop by but just not a lot of interest. We have planned for the last few weeks for a baptismal date. We didn't know who it would be but it would be someone that we had found that week.
Well, on Sunday, a newly activated member brought a friend of hers to church. His name is C***** and he had come a couple of times to Family Home Evening before I came to Dresden but became to busy to come anymore. He was given a Book of Mormon and a short explanation of what it is.
He came to church in nice clothes and we took him and the member into a room and started with a lesson. I had no idea that he was going to show up so I didn't have anything prepared. I thought to my self though...I thought about what Joseph Smith had said, he said that he was the smartest man on the world, not because of his worldly knowledge, but because the Holy Ghost gives him Godly knowledge. I know that I have the Holy Ghost and that through that power, I can teach this man the word of God. This gave me confidence and swept my fear away. We asked him how much he had read in the Book of Mormon and he had read the whole book of 1st Nephi! I was impressed. We bore testimony about the power of reading in the Book of Mormon and why the things that are in it are so important. I asked L**** (the member) to give testimony about how she came to find out if it was true. She talked about a power that she felt. Very simple and straight forward testimony. I then had the prompting to just read. I asked L***** to pick out her favorite scripture. She picked out 2 Nephi 4 because that is what we had done in institute that week. I had the impression to not expound on what we had read. Even after we finished, I looked at Christian and he was just staring at the book. There was silence for about 30 seconds when I asked him what it would mean to him if the book was true. He said everything. His search would be over. I then explained that if this book was true, the church is true and that Joseph Smith is in reality a Prophet of God. I invited him to follow Moroni's promise in praying if the book was true, we gave testimony and I invited him to be baptized, when he finds out that the Book is true. He accepted for the 8th of December. It was a great faith builder. He is prepared.
Be strong because Christ was.
PS My shoulder is good. My bands that hold my shoulder in place are loose and enable my shoulder to sit out of socket at every moment. Through that comes pain. I know my body and I know what I can handle. I am doing fantastic:)
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
so happy . . .
Well another week just gone by. It goes by too fast.
I am so happy. We have had the coolest experiences this week! It has just been fantastic. We have been trying to teach a young man named H** N*****. He has been progressing little by little. We play basketball with him and his friends at the park before lessons which is great for all of us. One thing that has been really bothering us about his progression is the fact that he had been to so many FHE activities and Institute but never to church! We had set the goal the day before to invite him and commit him to come to church the next day. I usually have no problem being pretty bold and asking people to commit to different things but I just wasn't feeling the Holy Ghost there. I have come to learn that not much gets done with out Him. So I waited. Elder Young talked with him a little bit about his beliefs and things but the feeling just wasn't right to invite him. I was honestly confused. We then started walking back to our trains to head home when 2 young single adults came walking into our path. Daniel L. (RM) and Melonie. Both very strong members of our church and both the same age as H*** (22). We talked for 5 min and said that we would see them tomorrow. Melonie then turned to Hai and asked if we will be seeing him tomorrow. With a little encouragement, H** thought for a second and agreed that he should come. He set his alarm on his phone in that moment and walked home feeling great. Well, he came to church! In a full out suit! Looked pretty classy. Daniel sat by him the whole time through all of the meetings and he really enjoyed it. We then taught him the plan of salvation and he really enjoyed that as well. MIRACLES HAPPEN.
One more...So as we were sitting there, helping H** get comfortable in the meeting, I looked up at the stand and saw D*** (the brother that I taught and baptized) sitting up at the stand in position to bless the sacrament!!! I had no idea that he was going to do that this week! He hadn't even passed the sacrament yet! The meeting went on and he blessed the sacrament like he had done it for the passed 2 years. I savored every second of the moment. I can't believe how much the Lord has changed him and that I got to be apart of it and see every step of the way. He looks pretty classy in a suit as well. I found out later that the Elder Quorums president had taken it upon himself to teach him and get him up there as soon as possible. I had no idea and am so grateful for the members that we have here.
My shoulder well...I hate my shoulder but I don't because God gave it to me but I still wish I had another one haha. I saw the doctor yesterday in Leipzig. He is a shoulder surgeon. He was super nice and knew exactly what was wrong and gave me two options to do. I didn't even care what the options were! I was just happy that someone could give me an answer! It took 3 hours of testing though...He told me that I could get surgery and everything would be okay. I would just have to go home for 4-5 months. The other answer was to start a muscle building plan to help support my shoulder. I agreed with the latter. SHOULDER DON'T PHASE ME!! I am talking to President on Wednesday about what will take place. Grateful for all of your prayers. I love you and hope that you have a wunderschönen Tag :)
Elder Häis
Monday, October 28, 2013
Love it
I have neber bien zo tired im my life...I LOVE IT THOUGH. That's the weird thing. Missionaries say that you are never not tired...you just get used to being tired. It's fantastic.
It is very hard to make a difference in a ward like Dresden as a single missionary because of the quantity of people but the only thing we can do is try. I have become great friends with Samuel and Luisa Schmitt and also Br Schmidt and a couple of other families but just trying to make my difference that I want to make.
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