HI MOM!!!!
I don't know why I got really excited all of the sudden but believe I did!!!
So I picked Elder Young up from Berlin on Thursday! That was so fun. On Wednesday Elder Breitenstein and I went to Berlin and served with Elder Fuller for a day and then picked up our new missionaries the next day! It was such a fun meeting.
Elder Young is from Salt Lake City (legitimately) and he is such a baller. I'm a mission Daddy! He plays soccer and he likes to ski. He is actually a lot like me haha. We get along really well and look forward to these next few months training him.
I do write in my Journal just about every other day. It is really hard to write in it everyday with planning and everything that we have to do before 10:30. The Journal that I have is just about full now! I never thought that I would write in my journal but I'm doing it!
What else happened this week...Oh yeah...we went to a funeral for a senior sister missionary who died in our mission this last week. There was about 60 missionaries there from our mission and we all sung in the choir. It was so amazing!
We live in a 4 man apartment as you know and Elder Stephens was replaced by Elder Rückauer. He is a German! I'm so excited for him to help me learn more and more about Germany! We keep our apartment really clean by the way, unless we have card wars, then it gets super messy...don't judge me...
On Sunday we taught Deng, who is on baptismal date for the 22 of this month, about Prophets. A member who could speak chinese (Weicheng) helped us out with the lesson. It is a ton of fun and super awesome becuase we will explain something in German or teach a principle and then we will ask Weicheng how he had come to know that it was true and he would do it in Chinease and Deng is just always so impressed and is understanding things a ton better as before when it was just German. We only have to teach him about fasting until the 22 and maybe go over a couple of other things and then he will be baptized! It is so cool to see the faith that is shown from these people who are only learning about things outside of this world. Definitely a testimony builder for me.
I love you!
Elder Hays
Saying Good bye |
Buddies meeting up in Berlin |
New Companion - Elder Young |
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