I have really thought a lot about the fact that we humans have terrible memories. We forget. A lot. Peter talks about it in his Epistle: 'But he that lacketh these things is blind, and cannot see afar off, and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old sins. Yea, I think it ameet, as long as I am in this btabernacle, to stir you up by putting you in remembrance; Moreover I will endeavour that ye may be able after my decease to have these things always in remembrance.'
There is a billboard here in Germany that says: 'Das Vergessen ist das grösste Katastrophe.' Translated means: To forget, is the greatest catastrophy. The more we study, read and ponder the things that the prophets have given us, the more we will remember; but here is another tip, USE what you have learned. Share it with someone else, with your husband, kid, dog it doesn't matter. As the words come out of your mouth, speaking the things that the scriptures tell us, they will start to become ingrained into our heads. I have really seen this so far on my mission that the things that I not only study but the things that I write down and share and explain are a source that i can pull from time and time again. I have so many scriptures memorized now, not because I have sat down and read them over and over again, but becuase I have just shared them with others. Share what you learn, and you wont forget.
I wish you all a great week and congratulations to Steven and Savannah Dawson!
I love you all, Elder Hays