I preached the gospel this week! And ate good food. We ate yesterday with Famile Gulla! They are actually moving to Los Angeles in a couple of months but they are super cool. We played with their boys for a little before we ate. We had noodles and spagetti sauce, a great italian salad and apple musli :) Super yummy..
Too bad for Zoe (our cat was hit by a car) ...I hope everyone at home is okay. I'll send Bella (our very sad dog) a Plan of Salvation brochure. It explains a lot. 'Preach the Gospel to every Creature...'
This week we did a lot of service, which was amazing to get my hands all dirty :) I loved it so so much. We served an investigator and helped her in her garten with a member and we had some tea afterwards and talked about the Plan of Salvation. On Thursday, we made an appointment with an inactive member in the ward who hasn't been to church for 'many, many years'. She has a husband and two daughters that aren't members. The husband invited us over and a member to dinner on Thursday and we had a great time. The member has great contact with them and is good friends with them. The member was Bishop Juchau's Distrikts Leiter in Pinneberg, Brüder Trierweiler. It was a great lesson and we taught out of Alma 7, about what Christ did and how we not only recognize what He did, but how do we apply it to our lives. They loved it. We will be serving them this week :) My companion is doing great!!
I baked cookies (I know right) this week and we wanted to deliver them but they have been sitting in the fridge and have been almost eaten...mmmm
Earlier in the week we had two trees cut down on the Church's property because of the danger of falling, so on Saturday we helped some members take it to their homes to use. It felt good :) I just remember being up at the cabin doing all of the tree work and driving the 4-wheeler around with the trailer. Fun fun.
Yesterday we had a good day. I was pretty disappointed with the numbers this week to be honest, but we have prayed and set goals in faith to improve this month. I have located the holes that need to be filled :)
I want to quote my great friend Elder Jared Potter in Orlando, Florida for my famous spiritual thought of the week. 
'Check your humility, or [the Lord] will check it for you ;).'
Have a great week my friends, true love only comes once and my heart belongs to the gospel :) (okay, true love will come twice then if that is the case)
May the force be with you,
Elder Hays
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